“Droppings and the dam(n)”, a work in plastic to encourage change

70,000 discarded plastic caps in Arun Kumar’s sculpture, situated along the Danish coast

MILAN – In the recent “Sculpture by the Sea” event - an exhibition held at Aarhus in Denmark - the Indian artist, Arun Kumar, has sought to raise public awareness  of the theme of sustainable ecology through his work, Droppings and the dam(n)”. A sculpture created solely from recycled plastic.

How was it made?

Over 70,000 plastic caps were collected from all over the world to make a statement against the ‘throwaway society’. The discarded items were painstakingly stacked and stratified using steel filaments, which were able to link them together and keep them in a vertical structure, transforming the discarded materials into a captivating horse-shoe shaped pavilion. It is an opportunity for visitors to experience the work and enjoy a day on the seashore.

A symbol which speaks up for the environment

Through his work, the artist comments on an unsustainable “consume and throw-away” lifestyle. The installation “Droppings and the dam(n)”,  with its vivid colours and undulating form, emanates bizarre sustainability.  DIY recycling, in many cases,  has the power to invoke strong emotions through the most varied creations by artists who bring together practicality and charm. PET is the material used to create plastic bottles and it is extremely versatile. “Droppings and the dam(n)” seeks to be a symbol of change; the awareness that the protection of nature depends on our behaviour.

by editorial staff