Saving water in summer? You can do it with the latest innovations

Due to the summer season, water consumption goes through the roof. Here are the new ways to combat this

MILAN – So far, the summer of 2015 has been extremely hot and taking a cool shower is one of  many remedies to combat the heatwaves. This translates into above average water consumption, taking into account that on average, between 10 and 20 litres per minute are used for a single shower.  However, there are professionals who, out of concern for the environment, have designed various ways of reducing daily water consumption.

“My shower is a green warrior”

Shower Curtains are the latest gimmick for regulating the use of water resources and this is the brainchild of Elisabeth Buecher, a textile artist and teacher from London, who decided to conserve shower water with her bright idea. “My shower is a green warrior” is no other than a shower cubicle with plastic “curtains” which by means of a sensor, inflate after four minutes and spring out into the cabin. “These curtains are aimed at stimulating debate over the protection of water resources – Ms Buecher asserts”.

OrbSys Shower

Another interesting idea comes from Swedish industrial designer Mehrdad Mahdjoubi, who, inspired by the showers used in space, has created OrbSys Shower. The secret is in the recycling  system: hot water which leaves the tap and ends up down the drain is recovered, purified and flows back again into the circuit supplying the shower. All this happens so fast that the water does not have time to cool down again and only needs to be reheated from time to time, thus allowing considerable energy conservation, calculated at around 80%. "With my shower, which constantly recycles the water –Mehrdad Mahdjoubi told CNN –only 5 litres of water are used for one 10 minute shower, while a normal shower requires 150”.

by editorial staff