In 2015 Italians are getting full marks in nutrition

This is explained in a study by the Nestlé Observatory - ADI Foundation, conducted on 5500 people

MILAN - Cerebral development and taste memory, nutrigenomics, gestation and foetal nutrition, nutritional balance, hydration: for Italians, science and nutrition do not seem to have any secrets left. This is explained in a study by the Nestlé Observatory - ADI Foundation, which involved a sample of around 5,500 people, with the aim of investigating the knowledge of themes that, for more than a year, thanks to the Expo, have flooded the pages of newspapers and social media.

The research data

Expo2015, inside and beyond its gates, seems thus to have been a real nourishment for the hungry minds of the Italian population, which already at the opening of the event revealed themselves to be very prepared: a staggering 9 out of 10 people, indeed, knew exactly its meaning and 6 out of 10 declared they were particularly interested in the themes covered ... to the point of having even studied! More than half of the sample population (54%) demonstrated to know, for example, how food and nutrition influence the growth and development of the brain right from the beginning of gestation in the mother's womb and 2 out of 5 knew that nutrigenomics studies the effects that food has inside our cells.

The interest of citizens is growing

"These data are certainly positive and they confirm how Expo was a great opportunity for Italians" comments Dr. Giuseppe Fatati, President of the ADI Foundation and scientific coordinator of the Observatory. "We are facing citizens that are more and more careful, informed and sensitive to themes such as sustainability, nutrition and social responsibility. For years, in Italy, companies and institutions have been working to raise awareness amongst the public on the need to be more conscious with regard to nutrition and life-style; the Nestlé Observatory - ADI Foundation itself, now in its 6th edition, is an important work tool that enabled researchers not only to detect potential critical areas on which to intervene, but also to think about specific tools for nutritional education supporting Italians and their Institutions".

by editorial staff