8 Italians out of 10 risk of suffering from autumn stress

Fatigue, irritability and physical indisposition are the most common symptoms. A correct hydration with magnesium-rich water may help to overcome these ailments

MILAN – According to the latest CNR research 8 Italians out of 10 suffer from autumn fatigue, the symptoms of which are drowsiness, fatigue, concentrating difficulties, irritability and generally feeling physically and psychologically unwell. In order to face the autumn routine with serenity it is important not to be overwhelmed by these ailments, there is plenty of expert advice on this front, from slowing down your activities to switching your mobile off for a few hours. But one aspect which is often overlooked is a correct hydration.

The importance of magnesium

“A correct, magnesium-based hydration can help us to best tackle the autumn and to mitigate the effects of the bad weather on our emotional system and on our body, such as loss of energy and efficiencywrites Dr. Alessandro Zanasi, expert hydrologist of the Sanpellegrino Observatory and professor at the Post-Graduate School of Respiratory Diseases of the faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Bologna, – it is important to understand that magnesium is a micronutrient that plays a key role in mood adjustment and in stress reduction. We find it in various foods, like dried fruits and wholemeal food, but also in another fundamental element in our diet: water”.The characteristics and beneficial properties of water depend on the source and on the mineral salts it contains, such as, indeed, magnesium. These minerals, essential for many of our organism’s functions, are not produced by our body but are absorbed through diet. Choosing to prefer water which is rich in this precious micronutrient can help us to restore our psychological and emotional equilibrium, and harmonizing the entire nervous sphere, especially in autumn, when mood swings are more frequent and we suffer from concentration difficulties, insomnia, physical and mental fatigue”.

How much water to drink

Dr. Zanasi explains that: “The daily need for magnesium has been estimated at around 300-500 mg and we should keep in mind that this mineral is important because it regulates energy levels and bone metabolism. An elevated intake of calcium, phosphorus, proteins and mineral fats reduces its absorption: some symptoms of magnesium deficiency are cramps, reduced resistance to fatigue, insomnia, arrhythmia, halitosis and constipation”.

 by editorial staff