The Mediterranean Diet reduces the risk of heart disease by 47%

This was shown by a study conducted over a period of 10 years on more than 2,500 adults between the ages of 18 and 89

MILAN – A Mediterranean diet rich in fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, beans, fish, and olive oil may reduce the risk of heart disease by half over the long term. The research was done by a group of scholars from the Harokopio University of Athens, who from 2001 to 2012 monitored the health of more than 2,500 adults between the ages of 18 and 89.

The Study

"Our research has shown that the Mediterranean diet is useful for all kinds of people of both sexes and of all ages, and regardless of whether they are in good or poor health", says researcher Ekavi Georgousopoulou who coordinated the project. It was discovered that those who strictly adhered to a traditional Mediterranean diet experienced a 47% reduction in their odds of contracting heart disease compared to those who did not follow the diet. Not only that, but in the early years of the study it was noted that there is a close link between the Mediterranean diet and weight loss, lower risk of diabetes, reduced blood pressure, and lower levels of cholesterol in the blood. The results were presented at the American College of Cardiology’s 64th Annual Scientific Session in San Diego, California.

The importance of water

Water is always the basis of everything, and it is the backbone of our health. Today it is even at the base of the new food pyramid of the Mediterranean diet. It is essential in many physiological processes of our body as adults, and it should not be undervalued, especially in children. "Young ones, who are often moving around, may forget to drink water - explained professor Umberto Solimene, President of the Centre of Research in Bioclimatology, Thermal Medicine, Complementary and Welfare Sciences of the University of Milan - It is therefore important to encourage them to drink water frequently (and not too cold) in order to maintain a proper balance of fluids. Proper nutrition education starts with water, which is the source of life".