Ivan Scalfarotto, the Government invests in the internationalization of businesses

The Undersecretary for Reform spoke at the conference promoted by Gruppo Sanpellegrino at the Expo

MILAN – The Undersecretary for Reform and Relations with Parliament has drawn up and undertaken to submit to Palazzo Chigi, the “Made in Italy Manifesto” which entrepreneurs and associations have undersigned on October 6 at the Expo in the course of the conference promoted by Gruppo Sanpellegrino in collaboration with the Altagamma Foundation. At the meeting, Scalfarotto explained what the government is doing to support the Made in Italy brand.

This Government is investing up to six times the resources allocated to the internationalization of our businesses. We are helping our exports to reach important results: + 2% last year, and looking at reaching + 5% with respect to the previous year and at opening new channels on important markets such as those of the USA, China and Canada. In addition, we are focusing greatly on training personnel to assist businesses, the small/medium ones, in move towards internationalization because that too is a profession that needs to be learned.

We are here to support the Expo just as we support the Made in Italy brand. I believe that the combination of the two can lead to very important results. The Government can make the difference, obviously, by allocating resources for the efforts of our entrepreneurs abroad, by giving them the tools to become more effective in foreign markets and naturally also by limiting bureaucracy, by implementing reforms such as the Justice Reform, the Tax Reform, by creating an easier environment for entrepreneurs who can thus concentrate further on the requirements of the international market.

Finally, a great attention must be given also to the role of the younger generations in enterprises. What we can do and must do is to re-launch our training system. The recent education reform known as  “Buona scuola”, has introduced a work-school alternation according to a model already successfully adopted in Germany  and re-launched vocational training also on subjects that entail hand manufacturing skills and technical skills which have also represented our field of excellence and which should not be lost.

by editorial staff