Nicola Sorrentino explains how to beat the epidemic of sedentary lifestyles

40% of English teenagers complain of pain related to the use of technological devices. The expert from the Sanpellegrino Observatory advises people to drink plenty of water to keep their joints lubricated

MILAN In England there has been a so-called "epidemic of physical inactivity". And the reason for this is obvious. The list of side effects from the excessive use of technology continues to grow. Though digital devices have facilitated many aspects of our daily lives, technostress, sleep disorders, relationship problems, and even "tech-neck" have to be added to the list of unintended consequences of hi-tech devices. Tech-neck refers to pain and stress in the neck due to prolonged use of PCs, tablets, and smartphones

The problem

A detailed picture of this is provided by the Association of British Chiropractors, according to which some 40% of teenagers across the Channel between the ages of 11 and 16 have complained about this type of pain associated with technologies in more than one in seven cases. More than half of British kids also use smartphones in bed, resulting in inevitable postural consequences, and on average those under 30 spend some 10 hours a day with their eyes fixed on a screen.

The importance of hydration

Having a good level of hydration, in fact, is a prerequisite for maintaining flexible disks in the spine. Always keeping a glass of water at hand, both on one's desk at the office as well as at home, is a great habit. “There is a high water content in our joints that contributes to their cushioning and lubrication for even the slightest movements - says Professor  Nicola Sorrentino, an expert from the Sanpellegrino Observatory, professor of  Nutritional Hygiene at the University of Pavia, Scientific Director of the Chianciano Sensory Spas - this is why you need to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and to maintain synovial fluid, which is responsible for lubricating the joints during movement in the right amounts".

The effects on cognitive abilities

"Naturally, we must not downplay the fact that many hours are spent in front of a screen without interruption, and thus often without drinking, which can have negative effects on our cognitive skills, including a reduction in concentration and increased prevalence of headaches – concludes Sorrentino –The most recent scientific literature indicates that a level of dehydration of just 1-1.5% can have negative effects on our cognitive abilities".