Are you ready to monitor your hydration? Now you can do it with an app

With your smartphone in hand, you can now measure your body’s exact hydration level

MILAN – Are you ready to monitor your hydration? You can now do so with a new app launched by Healbe Corp, which calls it the first 100% automatic body hydration tracker. Every day you can find an infinite number of different apps on the Play Store, but Healbe’s most recent idea seems to have created an innovative way to tackle the problem of dehydration. 

Constantly monitoring hydration

The hydration level tracker provided by this app can notify users when their body’s water level becomes too low. It can provide a report on the liquids consumed by the user during the day and can automatically measure water intake from food and drink through an impedance sensor that is used to measure the user’s overall hydration level. The results are displayed on a smartphone and users are notified via an on-display message encouraging them to drink more water if the body’s hydration level is too low. The firmware for the monitoring is part of Healbe’s GoBe app that is available on both iOS and Android devices. The technology takes into consideration the amount of physical activity a person has performed and calculates the amount of calories burned.

It can also help the elderly

Paradoxically, this innovation is also becoming an important tool for the elderly, as they are a high-risk group for dehydration. Technology has now reached users of all age groups and it’s no longer surprising to see a teenager or a pensioner with a phone or tablet in their hand. Keeping your body hydrated should be a priority, especially for the elderly, and this app is a further attempt to remind everyone how important it is to get the right daily fluid intake.

by editorial staff