Dehydration compromises memory function

The brain requires the body to be properly hydrated in order to operate 100%

MILAN – Recent temperatures have prompted Italians to cover themselves well to avoid temperature fluctuations in the transition between the office and the external environment. But just because the season of heat and the sea are behind us that does not mean that we can drink less now. In fact, fluid loss occurs continuously, even during periods of cold. Hydration, in addition with maintaining a constant body temperature, improves muscle recovery after a hard workout and is also important for the proper functioning of the brain.

The brain needs water

When our bodies are dehydrated, the cells do not function efficiently. Those of the brain, for example, are less able to properly communicate with each other, thus resulting in unpleasant effects such as mental fogginess, difficulty to think rationally, and lack of clarity. With a compromised memory it is easier to get distracted and to be prone to headaches, which is precisely why adults should drink 2 litres of water per day. To ensure that you get the right amount of fluids each day, it is advised to always have a 1.5 litre bottle with you and to be sure it is empty by the end of the day. Keep it on your office desk or at least nearby while working and sipping it throughout the day is the easiest way to finish it without much effort. Eating hydrating foods, such as watermelon, cantaloupe, strawberries, kiwi, citrus fruits, tomatoes, and pineapple can also help, since all of these foods have a high content of water, antioxidants, and vitamins.

Water is essential for our well-being

Water is essential. Human body is composed more than 70% of liquids. Only oxygen is more important to our survival. To stay healthy and to lead a healthy life, it is important to understand when our body has achieved an optimal hydration status. The easiest way is to observe one's urine which should be a pale yellow when the body is properly hydrated. Most of us only drink when feeling thirsty, but sometimes this signal from our body comes too late for our well-being. Dehydration causes several side effects, including memory lapses, which can occur when we lose just 1% of water from our bodies. Ageing then complicates things even more. Like our body as a whole, our thirst receptors slow down as we age and this makes elderly people more susceptible to dehydration. Old and tired, the thirst receptors become less efficient at sending the "I'm thirsty" stimulus from the brain to the body. This is why it is important to help elder people remember the importance of proper hydration.

by editorial staff