How to stay focused when your mind is on the holidays

Anyone sitting in an office waiting for the holidays will notice a considerable drop in their level of concentration when thinking about the holidays. Here are some remedies for this

MILAN – Moreover, at work and particularly in summer, it is essential to maintain an adequate level of hydration, so as to avoid negatively affecting your productivity, safety, and state of mind. One study conducted by the European Hydration Institute in fact shows the consequences of dehydration, which can eventually affect one’s physical and cognitive capacity to work

Dehydration and its consequences

The risks and consequences of poor hydration are numerous, e.g. a rise in body temperature, as well as an increase in heart rate and osmotic pressure. This can also affect cognitive capacity and influence the decision-making process, with consequences which include phenomena such as headaches, tiredness, lowered ability to concentrate and reduced short-term memory. A poor state of hydration in the office can therefore compromise performance at work and lead to a drop in attention span.


Here is some practical advice on how to stay hydrated at the office.

  • Check your level of hydration from the colour of the urine. This is in fact a quick and easy practice which can be adopted during the daily work routine.
  • Adopt practices which will encourage fluid intake: installing dispensers for bottled water can encourage workers to drink more often. Improving access to washrooms can also be an incentive to drink more, especially for women.
  • Informing people of the essential role of hydration in the body’s wellbeing. It is therefore vital to raise awareness amongst employees on this topic, informing them of the risks and consequences linked with dehydration and strategies for staying properly hydrated.
  • In addition, food plays a fundamental role in improving hydration. In fact 80% of the water intake in our bodies comes from liquids, but 20% comes from food. It is therefore beneficial to consume foods which have a high water content, such as fruit and vegetables.