The perfect excursion requires water

The danger of being away from home is “to forget” to drink

MILAN – To stay healthy while travelling, the trick is simply to drink water. It is perhaps even more useful to remember this now, with summer on its way, as we generally spend more time outside. Moreover, one of the dangers we should absolutely avoid is to “forget” to drink; as soon as we are on our way, we tend to abandon one of the habits everyone should maintain on a daily basis. Here is a short guide on requirements and tips for travellers.


Various factors influence our need for liquids, such as climate, activity levels, and body type and condition. Lean body mass has a higher water content than adipose tissue. This means that a slimmer person with better muscle tone needs more water. Some health conditions, like heart disease and diabetes, can increase the need for liquids.


The symptom of thirst is an alarm bell signalling we already lack water. The aim is therefore to avoid getting to the point of feeling thirsty. The colour of the urine is a simple indicator of a state of hydration: dark yellow indicates the need to drink more water. An external sign of dehydration, on the other hand, is dryer skin, while other symptoms can be dizziness, headaches, or fatigue. When we feel hungry, we should be aware this feeling can be linked with thirst.

Travel tips

Here are five rules to bear in mind at all times to ensure  adequate hydration while travelling.

  1. Fruit and vegetables have a high water content. Snacks based on fruit like apples, pears, oranges and meals with plenty of salad and vegetables provide the best water intake.
  2. Remember to drink a couple of glasses before leaving on a journey.
  3. Always keep a bottle of water to hand.
  4. Pay attention to the climate; hot environments, as well as high altitudes, increase water loss.
  5. Hydrating the skin helps to maintain moisture, especially in dry environments. In this respect, it is as well to remember the best approach is one of inner & outer hydration, so we not only apply cream to the surface but also provide relief from within.

by editorial staff