Proper hydration promotes blood circulation

Water serves as an additional ally in protecting the health of our blood vessels and circulation

MILAN – Water plays an important role in facilitating circulation and increasing blood flow throughout our body. In fact, poor circulation can be caused by several factors: high levels of cholesterol, a diet low in foods containing fibre, eating very salty foods, and in particular low consumption of fluids.

Drinking enough and eating a healthy diet helps blood circulation

High consumption of saturated fats can lead to increased levels of cholesterol, which can damage the blood vessels and cause them to lose the elasticity which they should maintain. Blood should flow through all of your arteries without any impediments. If this is not the case, the direct consequence is the occurrence of circulatory problems. There are many kinds of food which can help us to avoid such situations: spinach, celery, bananas, chocolate, fish, and citrus fruits are just some of the foods which promote good circulation. Water can be used in various ways to contribute to the well-being of our blood vessels. Having a bottle of mineral water on hand can help to keep your body hydrated and healthy. At the same time, water can be very useful for the practice of hydrotherapy, which is a massage technique involving strong jets of alternating hot and cold water. This immediately activates blood circulation thanks to the constant stimuli produced by the treatment and it can be done around mid-day without any problems.

Continuous physical activity

Moderate but continuous physical exercise is the most beneficial thing you can do each day to improve your blood circulation and to prevent further complications. You just have to walk at least 30 minutes per day to keep your body active and to allow you arteries to have adequate peripheral circulation. For athletic people who are accustomed running significant distances, it is also important to maintain water levels above certain parameters in addition to regular physical exercise.

by editorial staff