Water makes you beautiful

Water is an essential element in our life. Most skin products contain between 50% and 80% water

MILAN – Water is an essential element in our life. To be properly hydrated is the best way to tackle our daily tasks and to live a healthy, balanced life. An element that is an important ingredient in cosmetics and beauty products, confirming that water is essential for one’s health in general, but also for our skin.

Liquids and cosmetics

The most significant element contained in any formula is always and only one: water. "The data varies enormously, but the majority of skin care products contain between 50% and 80% water - expert Stephen de Heinrich said on Yahoo”. Many firms take water as an inspiration to produce a new series of cosmetic products. The example of a Hungarian brand is emblematic. The entire Omorovicza line is based on the famous thermal waters of the Budapest springs. Water that contains more than 20 different minerals and trace elements (calcium, potassium, copper, zinc) which, among other advantages, are anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and help to soften the skin without the addition of other ingredients.

Water to develop the product

Various brands are now at the forefront in integrating their products with greater quantities of water, considered essential for skin care. An element used as a powerful tonic for the body: “Water is a necessary component – Wei Young Brian, founder of Wei Beauty, explained on Yahoo – but there are different types and we need to be aware of this because they can react differently to the various ingredients contained in creams”. Even in cosmetics, therefore, the diversity of the water is a decisive factor in creating different products according to the nutritive properties needed.

by editorial staff