We lose half a litre of water for every kilo of sweat

In summer it is even more important to stay properly hydrated. This is the advice of the American Heart Association

MILAN – When the temperature rises, drinking the correct amount of water is important for people who play sport, go for a simple walk or just lay out in the sun, in order to replace the liquids that you lose. According to Dr John Batson, a volunteer at the American Heart Association, in summer you may even lose half a litre of water for every kilo of sweat. What’s more, keeping the body hydrated also makes it easier for your heart to pump blood to the muscles through your blood vessels.

How much water do we need?

The quantity that each person needs varies, depending not only on climate, the clothes you wear and the type of activity that you do. Medical conditions are also a key factor. People who have diabetes or heart conditions need to drink more than the standard amount. People with cystic fibrosis have a high concentration of sodium in their sweat and must be especially careful in terms of dehydration, as some medicines can act as a diuretic and increase the loss of water from the body. According to Batson, thirst is not the best indicator in terms of the need to drink something. The best thing to do is to check the colour of your urine. If your urine is pale and clear, this means that you are properly hydrated. If you are curious to know exactly how much water you need, Batson recommends weighing yourself before and after physical exercise to see how much sweat you have lost and, therefore, how much liquid you need to replace. As Batson explains, “for every kilo of sweat, we lose half a litre of water.”

Water is the best solution

According to the American Heart Association expert, sports drinks are only recommended for people who play high-intensity sport or sport at a competitive level. For the majority of people, however, water is the best thing to drink in order to stay hydrated. Food such as fruit and vegetables also contain a reasonable amount of water and mineral salts. You should avoid caffeinated drinks as they act as a diuretic and, therefore, increase the loss of water from the body. In terms of food, after you engage in physical activity Batson recommends healthy snacks such as slices of orange and banana or a small handful of unsalted nuts.