An app that provides the neediest children with water

Download the app, ignore your mobile for a few minutes and raise funds to ensure a child has access to water. The project has been developed by UNICEF.

MILAN – How many applications on your smartphone are attached to the phone at any time of the day?

UNICEF is giving everyone a good reason to get off their touchscreen. The United Nations Children's Fund has presented a new project to raise funds to provide water to the neediest children. An excellent reason to take a break from your telephone.

The App

Simply open the initiative’s website UNICEF ​​Tap Project from your smartphone to activate the application.

The app, which detects the movement of your smartphone, asks you to place your phone somewhere and ignore it.

For every 10 minutes that you don’t touch your phone, the project’s sponsor, UNICEF, will donate the funds necessary to provide water for one day to a child in need.

The concept

Brian Moore and Johan Gerdin, the creators who designed the application, wanted to show users how it feels when they are deprived of something that we have learned to think of as a “necessity”, even if temporarily.

“It’s difficult to put yourself in someone else’s shoes, particularly when it comes to a child who lives on the other side of the world - stated Gerdin - Depriving yourself of something is a gesture that helps us to reflect.

Ensuring children have access to water

In addition to raising funds to ensure children in need have access to water, this simple app can also make us think about how frequently we automatically and instinctively reach for our smartphone and the things that we are missing out on while obsessively attached to the phone.

Which makes this app doubly better.

by Salvatore Galeone

January 22, 2018

credits: fotolia