How to work better ... drinking!

A correct hydration increases brain reaction times

MILAN – When we get back to work it is necessary to quickly forget our holidays to concentrate on our daily activities. However, with this, there is the risk to also forget a precious ally that can help us to perform them more efficiently: water.

The benefits

It is not only the body that derives benefits from a good hydration but also the mind.

To prove this a recent study by researchers at the School of Psychology of the University of East London, in the United Kingdom. Drinking water increases the brain reaction speed, it raises attention levels and it helps prevent loss of concentration.

Among other benefits, water cleanses toxins, counteracts skin aging, makes hair brighter, attenuates swelling due to water retention and fights cellulite.

How to hydrate ourselves

Our organism needs around 3 litres of water per day: one and half litre should be introduced as water ingested and the remaining one and a half litre through our diet.

Which are the foods richest in water, which can also be consumed in the office, to rebalance moisture loss?

  • Fresh fruit: Minerals, vitamins and a high percentage of water: the many benefits deriving from the consumption of fruit. Melons and water melons, uncontested leaders in the summer, also peaches that, in addition to their detoxing properties, are also slightly diuretic, and therefore good to use in diets.
  • Seasonal vegetables: as for fruit, a daily consumption of 2/3 portions of vegetables per day allows us to supply our organism with the right amount of minerals, vitamins and water! Among the most highly recommended, beets, spinach, courgettes, but also cucumbers, fennel, salad, tomatoes and carrots.
  • In addition to fruit and vegetables, also juices, smoothies, shakes, milk and yogurt, which are excellent snacks for tasty and nourishing breaks.

The advice

The Californian portal Popsugar reports some advice for not forgetting to drink water during working hours:

Before starting to work, it is advisable to get a small bottle of water for our desks.

This is a reminder to drink at regular intervals.

  1. For every cup of coffee, it would be best to drink three glasses of water. Coffee, as also tea, is in fact a notorious dehydrator.
  2. Avoid sparkling or sugary drinks, especially at lunchtime. They don’t rally satisfy our thirst and are also rich in calories.
  3. Choosing a photo with a water theme as a screensaver on your computer will help you to focus on the issue of hydration.

by Alessandro Michielli 

September 22, 2017

credits: Fotolia