Nestlé Waters enters the Consortium in support of the first enzyme technology in the world for plastic recycling

The global industry leaders work together to increase the recyclability of PET plastic products, aiming to make the circular economy of plastic a reality at the industrial level

MILAN - Nestlé Waters enters the Consortium founded by Carbios and L'Oréal to introduce, on the market, an advanced recycling technology .  The consortium, also joined by PepsiCo and Suntory Beverage & Food Europe, aims to make the circular economy of plastic a reality in industry.


Carbios has developed and designed a sustainable and unique technology, that uses highly specific enzymes for the recycling of a much broader range of PET plastic and polyester fibre raw materials, that is more efficient than any other recycling technologies on the market today. This innovative process creates a recycled PET equivalent to a virgin PET, which can be used in the production of bottles or other types of packaging.

For an eco sustainable world

According to the terms of the four-year agreement, the Consortium partners undertake to introduce on the market the advanced technology of PET recycling, signed by Carbios, and increase the availability of high quality recycled plastics, in order to meet the commitments made in the name of environmental sustainability.  "We are delighted to join the Consortium and to support the development of this new technology that can help us to attain the goals pursued by Nestlé, helping to increase the percentage of recycled PET inside our bottles, without compromising quality, we will strive to create an ecologically sustainable world for future generations".   - said Massimo Casella, R&S Manager of Nestlé Waters.

di Prisca Peroni

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