The green economy in Italy is worth €34 billion

The green economy in Italy is worth €34 billion

MILAN – In spite of the impact of the crisis affecting global markets and consumers, the amount of packaging recycled continues to grow (up 1% in 2013), which supports industries that are strategic for Italy. The report “The Italy of Recycling”, sponsored and carried out by Fise Unire (the industry body that represents waste management companies) and the Foundation for Sustainable Development, explains the importance of the green economy for Italy.

THE VALUE – The study provides a cross-section of the economic and financial size of the industry in the last few years (2008-2012). Waste management companies’ turnover reached €34 billion. The total added value generated amounts to around €8 billion and is equal to over half a percent of GDP in total. There are over 9,000 waste management companies in Italy, these are chiefly micro-businesses with under 10 employees. This number has increased by over 10% in five years.

WORK AND RECYCLING – The workers employed by companies that collect refuse as their main activity increased by 13% between 2008 and 2012. In 2013 recycling of packaging grew overall (by 1% in absolute terms) which shows the industry’s staying power: 7.63 million tonnes compared to 7.56 million in 2012 and 7.51 million in 2011.

GROWTH – It is estimated that preventing waste could generate further savings of
€600 million and reduce greenhouse gas emission by between 2% and 4%. Achieving the new goals set for waste would create around 600,000 new jobs. The proposed measures include recycling 70% of urban waste and 80% of packaging waste by  2030 and, from 2025, a ban on disposing of recyclable materials in landfill sites.

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