Expo, il 70% dei rifiuti prodotti viene riciclato

70% of the waste produced at Expo is recycled

Achieving the objectives set by Expo and Amsa

MILAN – In the last week in July, the objective set by Expo and Amsa was achieved. This calculation took into account both the waste produced in the exhibition pavilions and what had accumulated through clearing activities and the rotation of waste bins across the whole area. The level of sorted waste on the site had already reached over 60% in the first days after the opening of the event. Over the past few days, the sole Deputy Commissioner, Giuseppe Sala has described the ambitious goal attained.

The satisfaction of Expo

The commissioner, Giuseppe Sala was congratulated for the results achieved: “We are very satisfied and proud: obtaining this extraordinary result is neither trivial nor taken for granted. The vast organisational effort we launched has therefore borne fruit, but it is vital to know that what was collected can have a new life: an international exhibition like Expo has the duty to disseminate this type of message and to promote positive and right action with regard to the environment and the economy, for the wellbeing of all citizens in the world”.

The advantages of the Expo system

Roberto De Santis, president of the Conai consortium, talked about the Expo system as a microcosm of the circular economy: “The results of waste sorting so far and the value created from the materials collected demonstrate that where there is proper planning (Expo), efficient collection services (Amsa), and adequate pick-up operations, selection and initiation of materials recycling guaranteed by the Conai Consortium supply chain, it is possible to create a real circular economy”.

by editorial staff