Il sorpasso dell’acqua in bottiglia alle bibite gasate

Bottled water overtakes fizzy drinks

By the end of the year, sales of bottled water will overtake those of fizzy drinks

MILAN – The range of drinks available on supermarket shelves is immense: fruit juices, shakes, cordials and fizzy drinks of every colour and size. Regardless of this, increasing numbers of shoppers appear to be avoiding carbonated drinks and choosing water instead. According to a recent survey from analysts at Canadean, the Telegraph reports that sales of bottled water shall overtake those of fizzy drinks by the end of this year.


Since 2008, global sales of bottled water have grown an average of 6 per cent each year, whereas carbonated drinks, barely 1.3% during the same period. In other words: by the end of 2015, 238 billion litres of bottled water and 227 billion litres of soft drinks will have been sold. Only five years ago, the roles were reversed: 170 billion litres of bottled water and a good 215 billion litres of soft drinks were sold.

A buoyant market

Italians are already amongst the top consumers of mineral water in the world: over 190 litres per capita a year; around double compared to about thirty years ago (source: Bevitalia). In China, the consumption of bottled water has almost doubled in the last five years: from 17 billion litres to 33 billion litres, according to Euromonitor. There is also a real boom in the United States, with increasing attention being given to health and fitness. Still to drive sales of bottled water are the developing countries: India, Pakistan and Brazil.

by editorial staff