Le 6 piscine naturali da scoprire a Natale

Six natural swimming pools to be discovered during the Christmas Holidays

A few ideas for who loves travelling and spending Christmas amongst the hidden gems of our world

MILAN - From the United States to Thailand, passing through Mexico and the Samoa islands archipelago. Many have already planned in time to spend Christmas away from home, and then, for those who love being surprised by the beauty of nature and of water, we suggest a few wonderful places that lie half forgotten by the world.

Erawan Falls, Kanchanaburi (Thailand)

The 7 drops that make the set of waterfalls, form a series of pools where it is possible to bathe and cool down from the humid tropical heat.

The devil's pond, Victoria Falls (Zambia)

On top of the Victoria Falls, after 3 hours of climbing on the rocks, it is possible to reach this pool, an exhilarating place with a breathtaking view over the highest waterfalls in the world (nearly 130 metres high).

The Mexican cenotes (Mexico)

These are natural cavities filled with fresh water. The cenotes setting is incredible and fascinating: the caves are normally surrounded by tropical jungle, which hosts numerous species of plants, flowers and animals; often it is possible to find natural waterfalls, as backdrop to an already incredible landscape. Some of these caves are considered sacred places by the indigenous people, as for example the Cenote Ik Kil, located close to the ruins of Chichén Itza.

Tat Kuang Si Falls (Laos)

A few kilometres away from the city of Luang Prabang, on the shores of the Mekong River, we find these beautiful waterfalls, which in a series of natural pools, give us a unique visual experience. It is possible to visit them travelling by river or by land (preferably in the dry season, from November to April) and treat oneself to a dive in its natural pools.

Havasu Falls, Arizona (USA)

The description of the colours of these falls might not do justice to their beauty. The blue waters are set amongst red rock of the Grand Canyon National Park, forming a natural pool. This evocative set of colours enables Havasu Falls to compete for the title of most beautiful waterfalls in the world.

To Sua Ocean Trench, Upolu (Samoa Archipelago)

In this remote archipelago on the Pacific, precisely in the island of Upolu, lies a "blue hole" (To Sua), immersed in the tropical jungle. A wooden staircase leads to a pier that is used as trampoline to dive into the cave and to climb up the surrounding rocks, around 30 metres high. To Sua is connected to the ocean through an underwater cave, where diving enthusiasts can plunge in, to witness its beauty as they pass through.

by editorial staff