MILAN – Several studies have shed light on how a large proportion of the world population is unable to meet recommended guidelines for an optimal consumption of calcium.
Starting from this data, a team of French researchers, supervised by Josette Guillemant, has studied if and how a mineral water rich in calcium could be a source of calcium for the growth of bones and maintenance of bone optimal health.
The scientific study
Twelve healthy man, aged 21 years on average, took part in the study. None of the men had any disorders or took medication known to influence calcium metabolism.
The subjects were studied while on their usual diet, to which an 800 mg dose of calcium had been added.
It was advised to avoid foods rich in calcium the evening before this dose was administered. They were given two types of mineral water, with differing contents of calcium: one with a high content of around 344.7 mg per litre; another with a content of 9.9 mg of calcium per litre.
The objective of the study was to understand how mineral water with a high or low content of calcium influences the secretion of the so-called parathyroid hormone – which regulates the presence of calcium in the blood – and of C-telopeptide of Type 1 collagen – which contributes to the formation and resorption of bone tissue.
The results of the study
It was demonstrated that the consumption of a low dose of calcium (172 mg in 0.5 l) lowers levels of parathyroid hormone and reduces the concentration of collagen in the urine.
In other words it was proven that a high consumption of calcium increases calcaemia – i.e. the level of calcium in the blood – and reduces the level of parathyroid hormone.
If the level is low, “bone turnover” is inhibited, that is to say the process by which old bone tissue is replaced by new tissue over time, leading to a loss of bone mass which increases significantly in older age.
by Alessandro Conte
March 15, 2018
credits: fotolia