“Subjective well-being” is here, a new take on feeling good Now included as an element of social well-being

MILAN – Can the subjective perception of well-being have an impact on a person’s actual health? And in what way? “Subjective well-being”, is here to measure this. It is a new and valuable measurement unit recognised by the most important healthcare authorities around the world and applied in Italy for the first time by the  Sanpellegrino Group with the project “Manage your own well-being starting with a glass of water”, presented on 21st November.

CUSTOM MADE WELL-BEING – Included for the first time in the United Nation’s 2013 World Happiness Report, subjective well-being was also included in the new European health policy framework presented by the WHO, Health2020. It is also used as an indicator in the First Report  on  Equal  and  Sustainable  Well-  being drafted by Istat and CNEL, the National Council for Economics and Labour. Subjective well-being has changed the accepted meaning of well-being and is increasingly becoming a guiding principal for social policies and research that starts with the individual: well-being that is tailored to us.
THE FOUR PILLARS Diet, physical activity, sexual health, and stress  management are the four main areas that, as stated by the World Health Organisation, can have a determining effect on a person’s health and overall balance. But underlying these factors is the fundamental role of hydration. Water not only quenches our thirst, it carries out a number of important and subtle functions for our bodies. As a vehicle for nutritional elements that are vital for the body, water is also a “nutraceutical”, a foodstuff proven to benefit and protect a person’s health, both physically and mentally.