
The Star Wars characters are a hit at the Liège Ice Magic Festival

Darth Vader and the Dark Lord of the Sith were some of the most popular sculptures at the festival that, despite the balmy winter, has attracted thousands of visitors

LIEGE – Remarkably, the cult saga loved by millions of people across the world has “lent” its characters to the Liège Ice Magic Festival, a famous art festival held in the heart of Belgium. Over 30 artists from 12 countries have used chainsaws and lightsabers to create ice sculptures of the much loved characters, who will be back on the big screen soon.

Ice sculptures

From Darth Vader to the Dark Lord of the Sith, the sculptors have been carving the Star Wars characters for four weeks in sub-zero temperatures. Twelve cooling compressors are being used constantly to prevent the ice from melting. Due to the mild winter, the organisers have complained about the “unusual warmth” that is threatening the festival’s success. Despite this fact, like every year thousands of visitors have flocked to the air-conditioned halls to admire the works set in ice and, for the first time, to pose for a souvenir photo.

The winter that isn’t coming

As already mentioned, the interesting thing about this year is the unseasonably warm temperatures that, according to the organisers, have forced them to shell out for more cooling systems than in previous years. Kim Arents ironically commented: “Outside it is too warm, working inside it’s too cold, so it’s pretty hard to keep going.” By sheer coincidence, the world leaders have come together in Paris over the past few days to try to reach an agreement on limiting temperature rise. We’ve joked that they could use the help of the Star Wars heroes themselves to tackle this Herculean task. Provided they don’t melt!

by editorial staff