La tecnologia wireless al servizio della qualità dell’acqua_alt tag

Wireless technology at the service of water quality

The Connected Water project in Atlanta aims at providing a remote monitoring of water quality in drainage basins

ATLANTA (USA) - Ericsson and AT&T announced the first tests to find solutions for the Atlanta water supply. The tests will allow Chattahoochee Riverkeeper, an organisation that deals with water protection in the Chattahoochee drainage basin, to monitor the city's water quality remotely in key places in the basin. Tests will use a prototype based on the winning idea of a recent innovation competition aimed at university students, sponsored by Ericsson Technology for Good. AT&T will provide wireless connectivity for Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Established in 1994, Chattahoochee Riverkeeper is an organisation for protection of the environment with more than 7,000 members devoted to protecting and improving the health of the Chattahoochee drainage basin, source of water for around four million people.

Clean water and sustainable future

Jason Ulseth, from Chattahoochee Riverkeeper, declared: "Chattahoochee Riverkeeper is glad to be working with Ericsson and AT&T in this exciting project that will guarantee a cleaner water supply and a more environmentally sustainable future for the metropolis of Atlanta and surrounding areas". The tests are a real example of the Internet of Things, where all that might benefit from being connected will be connected. IoT is a rapidly growing market, and, according to the Ericsson Mobility Report, there will be 28 billion devices connected by 2021. The first prototype has been placed within the Proctor Creek basin, in the city of Atlanta, which flows through residential areas, industrial complexes, city parks and public schools and where more than 60,000 people are living.

The cities of the future

Mike Zeto, General manager of Smart Cities at AT&T, said: "Connectivity leads cities to rethink how to leverage technology to benefit its residents. AT&T is very excited to participate in these first tests in the field and we hope to provide connectivity to make cities more intelligent and environmentally sustainable". Elaine Weidman-Grunewald, Vice President of Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility at Ericsson, declared: "This project demonstrates how Ericsson's Technology for Good program is allowing the birth of intelligent and environmentally sustainable cities across the world. Connecting a city wirelessly to its water enables cities to concentrate even more creatively on sustainable development".

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