Per battere il caldo bisogno bere anche senza lo stimolo della sete

To beat the heat you need to drink even when you're not thirsty

Umberto Solimene of the Sanpellegrino Observatory reminds us of the importance of hydration on a mental level as well

MILAN – In a period when the torrid heat puts Italians to the test, it's important to look after your body and put it in the best possible condition to tackle these particularly hot days. Good hydration can help combat stress caused by high temperatures and mugginess, which increase body perspiration with the consequent loss of more liquids and mineral salts, elements which are essential for the health of the body.

Hydrating yourself is fundamental

Highlighting the importance of hydration is ProfUmberto Solimene, President of the Research Centre for Medical Bioclimatology, Thermal Medicine and Science of Wellness of the Milan University and expert of the Sanpellegrino Observatory: “The first rule is to correctly hydrate yourself: in fact, due to the high temperatures and mugginess, body perspiration increases, which causes us to lose liquids and mineral salts, precious for our body. We need to frequently reintegrate these indispensable elements - Solimene adds - in order to avoid facing a hydration deficiency, drinking mineral water that is not too cold, avoiding alcohol and taking care to limit our intake of coffee and sugary beverages”. The precious oligo elements in mineral water therefore play an important role in assuring protection against dehydration, a risk that concerns everyone, not just categories of the population like children and the elderly who have always been most at risk: “If, on these hot days, you feel a particular sense of exhaustion, cramps, tachycardia and vertigo, the risk of dehydration could be onset: a danger that can be prevented with a simple act available at everyone's fingertips, like always carrying a bottle of water with us.

Water also has an affect on mental performance

It's important to remember that an inadequate hydration level has an impact not only on physical performance, but also on cognitive performance: it only takes a decrease in body water for 2% of your weight to begin feeling the negative effects such as reduced cognitive capacity, headache and difficulty concentrating. You can also go as far as losing consciousness if the imbalance reaches 7%. A good rule that many do not know is that you must anticipate your natural thirst that arises when the loss of water exceeds 0.5%, but which is actually already a sign of water stress. To do this you must drink constantly throughout the day. This rule is valid for everyone, but even more so for a few categories which are considered to be more at risk in this period.

by editorial staff