Plessi In Venice

Venice celebrates the Expo with an exhibition dedicated to water

Until 22 November, the water city par excellence will be hosting a major exhibition dedicated to this natural element and entitled PLESSI IN VENICE

VENICE – Venice, a city of water, will be hosting a major exhibition dedicated to this natural element and entitled PLESSI IN VENICE until 22 May. Curator of the exhibition will be Fabrizio Plessi, one of Italy’s most highly-acknowledged and esteemed maestros at the international level. The exhibition will be split into two distinct phases: one is organized by the Polo Museale del Veneto with the collaboration of the Fondazione Alberto Peruzzo, and the support of EXPO 2015 and the EXPO 2015 Italian Pavilion; the second is organized by the Alberto Peruzzo Foundation, with the support of the Veneto Regional Council and VENICE TO EXPO 2015.

Plessi. Liquid Life

One phase of the exhibition is called PLESSI. LIQUID LIFE. The flow of memory, which will run until 22 November 2015 at the Galleria Giorgio Franchetti alla Ca’ d’Oro, a building of great beauty and rich in history, overlooking Venice’s Grand Canal. At the Ca’ d’Oro, Plessi has designed a video installation in which screens, inserted into tables, show images of an “electronic flow” of water, to ideally represent the flow of thought and his entire creative life. “I think the video – says the artist – forms a perfect combination with water: water is an iridescent element, ancient, ancestral and primordial, while the video is an element of contemporary life: both are fluid, unstable. Both give off an azure glow”.

Plessi. Liquid Light

The other event, staged at the Tesa 94 all’Arsenale, and always until 22 November, is a large installation entitled PLESSI. LIQUID LIGHT. The work, without monitors or plasma screens, gives off only a tenuous and mysterious blue light from the keels of fourteen overturned boats, the llaüt, traditional boats of the Balearic Islands designed for trawling, and has a background noise of breaking sea waves. The rules of the European Community outlawed these boats and many llaüt were abandoned by the fishermen. Fabrizio Plessi, after a phase of detailed research and recovery in Mallorca, decided to bring them back to life by making them both the content and containers of this installation, which pays tribute to the Mediterranean.