Entrepreneurs Need a System to Kick-Start Made in Italy Post-Expo

For one entrepreneur out of 3, a system is required to kick-start ‘Made in Italy’ post-Expo

The ‘Made in Italy’ from Italian entrepreneurs perspective: the research was promoted by Sanpellegrino Group on over 450 companies across the national territory

MILAN – A core element of the Italian cultural identity (33%), a heritage of know-how which must be defended (17%) and the symbol of the Italian potential for creativity (22%). This is what ‘Made in Italy’ represents for Italian entrepreneurs; a sector which for over one entrepreneur out of 3 (37%), still needs to be adequately exploited. This is what emerges from the study, ‘Companies’ demands and entrepreneurs’ proposals to enhance ‘Made in Italy’ post-Expo’, promoted by the Sanpellegrino Group on a panel of over 450 companies. The study inspired the ‘Manifesto for ‘Made in Italy’’, signed on October 6th , 2015 and entrusted to the responsibility of the Government by Entrepreneurs and Associations in the scope of a conference at Expo.

What is Made in Italy associated with?

Gastronomic excellence (54%), sartorial style (46%), manufacturing quality (42%), living in pleasant and comfortable environments (37%). These are the associations with ‘Made in Italy’ which first come to mind, according to the entrepreneurs. More generally, foreigners recognize to Italians the ability to communicate manufacturing know-how which has been developed over generations.

Does our country adequately exploit the ‘Made in Italy’ concept?

For 37% of the entrepreneurs surveyed, the answer was ‘very little’ or ‘no’, because a system needs to be created and a proactive culture needs to be developed. For 19%, the answer was basically ‘Yes, but with many difficulties’, whereas only 22% of the entrepreneurs were totally convinced of this, on the grounds that a strong awareness of its importance prevails.

Amongst the main problems which prevent the full exploitation of this sector, 40% of entrepreneurs are divided between those who believe there is a lack of strong synergy between similar sectors and complementary categories, and those who believe there is a meagre capacity for the management and promotion of our excellence. Just 17% think there is a lack of a cohesive vision, while 15% consider that ‘Made in Italy’ is not conceived as part of the structure of the Italian System.

How institutions can sustain ‘Made in Italy’?

According to 34% of entrepreneurs, through strong and more effective policies on counterfeiting, while 17% confirm the means of accessing foreign commerce must be even more simplified and 32% are divided between those who would invite institutions to be more incisive on a European level, and those who would further strengthen the digital infrastructure.